
Founder & Editor-in-Chief: Olivia Ryckman

A girl with brown hair wearing a black cardigan

Olivia Ryckman is the founder and the Editor-in-Chief of the evermore review. She holds a B.A. in English-Creative Writing, with a minor in Technical and Professional Writing, and an M.A. in English from Indiana University East. Olivia served as the 2021-2022 Editor-in-Chief of IU East’s creative arts journal Tributaries. Her academic work appears in the 2020 issue of Johns Hopkins University’s Richard Macksey Journal. Her creative writing appears in Pink Heart Mag and RENESME LITERARY.

Poetry Editor: Heidi Klein

Heidi Klein is an MFA student at Butler University’s creative writing program for poetry. Her published work can be found in Tributaries: A Journal of Creative Arts, IU East’s Journal of Student Research, and the inaugural issue of the evermore review.

Graphic Designer: Sophia Ryckman

Sophia Ryckman a junior at IU East pursuing a BS in General Studies with a concentration in Marketing. She is passionate about fashion and graphic design.